Interactive workshop on the electoral law and the electoral process “Youth and Elections: ways to increase the electoral activity”

April 30, 2010 in the city of Talgar in college named University D.A. Kunaeva conducted an interactive workshop on the electoral law and the electoral process on the theme: “Youth and Elections: ways to increase the electoral activity.” The event was held by Kazakhstan International Law Association with the support of the Central Election Commission in the framework of a project funded by the British Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the seminar, with the words of welcome to the participants of the interactive seminar were: G.S. Sapargaliyev, Doctor of Law, Academician, Director of the Institute of State and Law of Kazakh National University named Al-Farabi, D.C. Kopabaev, Doctor of Law, Professor, Rector of the University named D.A. Kunaeva, Chalabaev B.A., representative of the Central Election Commission, R. Asangazy, UNDP Resident Representative in the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of Kazakhstan Association of International Law, Deputy Director of the Institute of State and Law of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Ph.D., associate professor, and many others.

Four teams took part in the seminar, representing colleges and Almatiynskoy Almaty region, in particular college of the University “Kaynar”, College of Law and the Kazakh State University of Economics, D. Kunaev University College, Al-Farabi KazNU College.

Interactive seminar was as follows:

2nd year student of the Law Faculty of KazNU. Al-Farabi, the leader of the interactive seminar on electoral law in 2009 Hammidulinoy Catherine had read an introductory lecture on the electoral legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the lectures: Customize the participants to the seminar, “refresh” their knowledge on electoral law, let them know will be contests and competitions in any matters.

COMPETITIVE PART consisted of four events:

1 – Competition “contest – poll”

a small survey on Kazakhstan’s suffrage was conducted to determine the level of preparedness of each team. In general, the table was an envelope with specific questions on election law. In each envelope 10 questions. Representatives of each of the teams selected for the envelope and handed moderator, who opened it, read aloud the question. In consideration of each question it was given 30 seconds. Responsible whole team.

2 – Competition: “encrypted word”

Moderator read question and the definition of a word on the subject of electoral law. Team pondered an answer for 1-2 minutes, after which representatives of each of the marker commands on Whatman paper write your answer. At the end of the discussion of each question voiced moderator correct answer.

3 – Competition: “Debate on the problematic issues of suffrage tournament”

The participants selected for colts on the problems of the modern electoral process, divided on two teams and discussed the issue in the form of “for” one team, and “against” the other team. The question for the first couple of teams: 7% electoral threshold. The question for the second pair of commands: participation in elections should be voluntary or mandatory

After answering the questions of the jury teams exhibited the assessment of the competition.

After three contests of the Kazakhstan Association of International Law organized a dinner for the guests and participants of the interactive workshop.

After lunch COMPETITIVE PART consisted of one race:

4 – Competition “question – answer” In the fourth competition involved two teams with the Jury has the highest number of points, namely the team: College Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the University College. D. Kunaeva.

Each team in turn, asked 10 questions. For that they must correctly answer, short and fast. This competition is held at the time. In this competition the college team of Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi was better.

As a result of the interactive Treasury college seminar them. Al-Farabi:

Almuhanov Amir
Karimov Xenia
Myrhalykova Akerke
Dominique Tazhimbetov
Yutkina Julia
was the winner among the teams of the college “Kaynar”, University College. YES. Kunaeva, College of Law and Economics KazHLU. The winners were awarded certificates and flash drives.

The leader of the interactive workshop was a college student “Kaynar” Demeubaev Timur, who throughout the workshop stood erudition, ingenuity. He became the owner of the nominal certificate and a digital camera.

Audience Award (juicer) majority vote of the participants was awarded Tazhimbetov Dominic, college student Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi.

The participants of the interactive seminar on “Youth and Elections: ways to increase the electoral activity”, Talgar, University College D. Kunaeva April 30, 2010.