Activities undertaken in the framework of research on the topic: The concept of priority of universal values in the system of legal regulation of road transport relations in the framework of transport policy and transport infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Activities undertaken in the framework of research on the topic: The concept of priority of universal values in the system of legal regulation of road transport relations in the framework of transport policy and transport infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Activities undertaken in the framework of research on the topic: The concept of priority of universal values ​​in the system of legal regulation of road transport relations in the framework of transport policy and transport infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan

– In the study, in 2013, organized a scientific seminar on the theme: “Ensuring the priority of human values ​​in traffic relations of Almaty” (. 30 March 2013) with the participation of undergraduates held research practice in the Institute of State and Law (conference materials published in the Bulletin of the Kazakhstan Association of international Law. Almaty, 2013, №1 (21).

– In November and December 2013 in order to attract students and undergraduates to the issues raised in the framework of research topics, organized a competition for the best scientific work among students in universities in Almaty.
– In the study in 2014 are organized by scientific-practical seminar on the theme: “Ensuring human rights in the road transport Transport relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan (international and domestic aspects)” with the Kazakhstan Association of International Law in November 2014 with the participation of the scientific community, government officials , workers of the road transport sector. Results of the workshop will be published in a special collection at the end of this year.